
President Macron Address on Tf1 TV (Source: TF1)
The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron addressed the French at 8h pm on TV Tf1, announcing major measures and recommendations for 30 minutes while appealing to unity in the country. Before addressing the French, President Emmanuel Macron assembled the Scientific Council mobilized to deal with the Coronavirus. Our reaction can only be done with the expertise of specialists who are the most legitimate to assess the situation. » the President Macron said, as he spent the whole afternoon, preparing the speech of his solemn address to the French nation. We publish the entire speech of the head of the French State in several sequences. Among the big men, all schools and universities in France will be closed from Monday March 16. The municipal elections (March 15 and 22) are maintained, The recommendations to the French, on health barriers, (frequent hand washing use of mask, safety distance of 1 meter), and for vulnerable persons (seniors, staff with chronic diseases and diabetes, as well as the disabled) must limit their outings and remain confined to their homes. Part 3
The state will pay compensation to employees forced to stay at home. In this matter, I want us to take inspiration from what the Germans were able to implement, for example, with a more generous system, simpler than ours. I want us to be able to preserve jobs and skills, that is to say that employees can stay in the company, even if they are forced to stay at home, and that we pay them. I want us to be able to protect our independents too. We will take all necessary measures to give this guarantee economically.
All companies who wish to can postpone without justification, without formality, without penalty the payment of contributions and taxes due in March. We will then work on the necessary cancellation or rescheduling measures, but I know each other collectively, it always takes too long to do this. I want simple measures for our economic strengths. The deadlines that are due in the coming days and weeks will be suspended for all those who need them. We will defend our businesses of all sizes. We will defend all workers. At the same time, I asked the Government to prepare a national and European recovery plan that is consistent with our priorities and our commitments for the future.
We must also provide a European response. The Central Bank has already today announced its first decisions. Will they be sufficient? I do not believe that. It will be up to him to take new ones. But I will also be very clear with you here this evening: we Europeans will not allow a financial and economic crisis to spread. We will react strongly and we will react quickly. All European governments must make the decisions to support the activity and then to revive whatever it costs. France will do it, and it is this line that I will bring to the European level on your behalf. This is already what I did during the exceptional council held yesterday. I do not know what the financial markets will give in the coming days, and I will be just as clear. Europe will react in an organized, massive way to protect its economy.
I WILL PROVIDE PDT TRUMP WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL INITIATIVE BETWEEN THE G7 MEMBERS PRESIDENT MACRON SAID----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I also hope that we can organize ourselves internationally, and I appeal to the responsibility of the G7 and G20 powers. As of tomorrow, I will speak with President TRUMP to offer him an exceptional initiative between the members of the G7, since he is the one who has the presidency. It is not division that will make it possible to respond to what is today a global crisis, but rather our ability to see things together early and act together. My dear compatriots, all these measures are necessary for the safety of all of us and I ask you to unite around them. We do not, in fact, come to the end of a crisis of such magnitude without being united. A crisis of such magnitude cannot be overcome without great individual and collective discipline, without unity. I hear today in our country voices that go in all directions. Some tell us: "you are not going far enough" and would like to close everything and worry about everything, sometimes disproportionately, and others consider that this risk is not for them. I tried to give you this evening what should be the line of our entire Nation. Today we must avoid two pitfalls, my dear compatriots. On the one hand, the nationalist withdrawal. This virus does not have a passport. We must join forces, coordinate our responses, cooperate. France is hard at work. European coordination is essential, and I will make sure of it. We will no doubt have measures to take, but they must be taken to reduce trade between the areas which are affected and those which are not. These are not necessarily national borders. We must not give in to any facility, no panic. We will no doubt have control measures, border closings to take, but we will have to take them when they are relevant and we will have to take them as Europeans, on a European scale, because it is on this scale that we have built our freedoms and protections.
AVOID THE INDIVIDUALIST WITHDRAWAL SAID PRESIDENT MACRON----------------------------------------------------
The other pitfall would be individualistic withdrawal. Never do such tests be overcome alone. On the contrary, it is in solidarity, by telling us rather than thinking I, that we will rise to this immense challenge. This is why I want to tell you this evening that I count on you for the days, the weeks, the months to come. I count on you because the Government cannot do it alone, and because we are a nation. Everyone has a role to play. I count on you to respect the instructions which are and will be given by the authorities, and in particular these famous barrier gestures against the virus. Today, they are still too little applied. This means washing your hands long enough with soap or hydroalcoholic gels. This means greeting without kissing or shaking hands so as not to transmit the virus. It means standing at a distance of one meter. These gestures may seem harmless to you. They save lives, lives. This is why, my dear compatriots, I solemnly call on you to adopt them.
Each of us has a share of the protection of others, starting with our loved ones. I am counting on you too to take care of the most vulnerable of our compatriots, not to visit our elders. It is, I am well aware, a heartbreaker. It is however temporarily necessary. Write, call, get news, protect by limiting visits. I count on you, yes, to also help the neighbor who, when he is a caregiver, needs a childcare solution for his children to go to work and take care of others. I count on companies to help all employees who can work at home to do so. I count on all of us to invent new solidarity in this period. As such, I ask the Government to work with the social partners, with associations in this direction. This crisis should be the occasion for a national mobilization of solidarity between generations. We have the springs. There are already actions that exist on the ground. We can make it even stronger together. I obviously also count on all of our caregivers. I know everything they have already done, I know what they have to do. The Government and I will be there, we will take all our responsibilities for you. I think of all of our caregivers in the hospital, who will have the most serious cases to deal with, but also many emergencies. I think of the doctors, the nurses, the nurses, all the caregivers who are also out of the hospital who have mobilized tremendously and whom we will be calling upon more and more in the weeks to come.
I AM RELATING TO ALL OF YOU TO NATION AND AWAKEN WHAT IS BEST IN US---------------------------------------
I know I can count on you. The Minister of Health will also have the opportunity to clarify, in the coming hours, the rules so that we can help you protect yourself from the virus. It is the respect we have for you, and it is obviously what the Nation owes you. The rules will be clear for everyone, they will also be proportionate and explained. I count on all of you to make Nation at bottom. To awaken the best in us, to reveal that generous soul that, in the past, has enabled France to face the hardest trials. My dear compatriots, tomorrow we will have to learn the lessons of the moment we are going through, question the development model in which our world has been engaged for decades and which reveals its flaws in the light of day, question the weaknesses of our democracies. What this pandemic is already revealing is that free health care without conditions of income, career or profession, our welfare state are not costs or burdens but precious goods, essential assets when fate strikes. What this pandemic reveals is that there are goods and services that must be placed outside the laws of the market. To delegate our food, our protection, our ability to take care of our living environment to others is madness. We must regain control of it, build even more than we already do a France, a sovereign Europe, a France and a Europe which firmly hold their destiny in hand. The coming weeks and months will require breaking decisions in this direction. I will assume them.
But the time today is for the protection of our fellow citizens and the cohesion of the Nation. The time has come for this sacred union which consists in following all the same path, not to give in to any panic, no fear, no facility, but to regain that strength of soul which is ours and which has enabled our people to overcome so many crises throughout history.
United France is our best asset in the troubled times we are going through. We will all stand together.Long live the Republic !
Long live France ! » End of the Address, keynote of President emmanuel Macron
Covid19 Coronavirus Pneumonia Cancellations Outbreak France President Macron Who Sibeth Ndiaye Spokesperson French Minister Olivier Veran Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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