


Palmyra Site in Syria (Source: Courtesy UNESCO)
President Hollande & Mohamad Izzat Khatab
(Source: Courtesy Mohamad Izzat Khatab)
USPA NEWS - Syria has six World Heritage sites of the most precious. World leaders are eager to protect the unique sites of Syria, after that Palmyra was sacked and pillaged by ISIS terrorists. President Hollande proposes an international conference to decide the preservation. Mohamad Izzat Khatab answers.
President Hollande Talk UNESCO
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Syria has six World Heritage sites of the most precious for the humanity. World leaders seem inclined to want to protect the unique sites of Syria, after that Palmyra was sacked and pillaged by ISIS terrorists. Among them, the president Hollande proposes an international conference to decide the preservation of world heritage..Mohamad Izzat Khatab reacts to the initiatives of Francois Hollande. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE ASSESSED SYRIA´S WORLD HERITAGE In partnership with the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology´s Penn Cultural Heritage Center (PennCHC) and the Smithsonian Institution, and in cooperation with the Syrian Heritage Task Force, the Geospatial Technologies and Human Rights Project of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) undertook an assessment of Syria´s World Heritage sites using high-resolution satellite imagery (Figure 1). Syria has six World Heritage sites: the Ancient City of Aleppo, the Ancient City of Bosra, the Ancient City of Damascus, the Ancient Site of Palmyra, the Ancient Cities of Northern Syria, and Crac des Chevaliers and Qal´at Salah El-Din.1 The purpose of the assessment was to determine the current status of each site. Analysis indicates that five of the six World Heritage sites exhibit significant damage; damage was observed at every site except for the Ancient City of Damascus.
Al Bara Jebel Zawyia Syria
Source: Courtesy AAAS
A comparison of imagery revealed that the site of Palmyra had been substantially altered from its pre-conflict state. New roads, flanked by earthen berms, were cut through the center of the Northern area of the Palmyra Archaeological Park, and groups of military vehicles were visible occupying fortified positions at that location, as well as at a parking area built atop the ancient city wall, which was destroyed by this construction. Comparing this imagery to video acquired by ground-based activists reveals that some of these vehicles are BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems. Also confirmed by ground-based imagery was the construction of temporary structures adjacent to Fakhr-al-Din al-Ma'ani Castle, in the northwestern corner of the site. Additional earthen fortifications, though unoccupied at the time of image acquisition, were scattered throughout the site. The effect of this massive earth movement on the site´s archaeological integrity is unknown, but appears to be substantial. Within the Roman barracks of Diocletian´s camp the previously well-defined outlines of ancient ruins appear to have been softened, though the precise reason for this is unclear . Ground-based photos show that several walls at the site, formerly intact, have been demolished and their building materials strewn about, providing one possible explanation for the phenomenon. Source AAAS
City Izmaelia Aleppo
Source: Arechological Center
PRESIDENT HOLLANDE PROPOSES AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR PRESERVING WORLD HERITAGE---------- "A terrorist barbarism, we must oppose the invincible human culture ... Culture is why France is fighting today." said Francois Hollande, in the gallery of Unesco, Tuesday, November 17, and has committed actions to support, to the delegates of 195 Member States, meeting in the French capital for the general conference of the UN organization, to protect the heritage and armed conflict. "Unesco has chosen to locate its headquarters in Paris to promote the diversity of cultures, says François Hollande. France is an open country and will remain. Open to all arts, all music, all creations for all audiences ... We do not give up. Paris remains the city's theaters, cinemas, museums, performing arts. "concluded Francois Hollande------------ The French President then referred to the destruction of Syrian heritage, that of ancient Palmyra by. In September, jihadists of the Islamic State (EI), who blew up the two main temples of the "Pearl of the Desert", in September 2015. Then the terrorists then killed the Syrian historian Khaled al Asaad, 82 who had worked all his life to saving this jewel of the Middle East. "The destruction of monuments and archaeological sites in Syria and Iraq have raised considerable emotion, says the president. And today, I think of the city of Palmyra, where the former Conservative preferred to stay when he knew the fate that awaited him. He was beheaded by the executioners of ISIS, who themselves committed the irreparable on the site ".
Syria For All logo
Source: Courtesy Syria For All
MOHAMAD IZZAT KHATAB CHAIRMAN SAYS SYRIA FOR ALL CAN TAKE CARE BY ITSLEF OF PRESERVING SYRIAN HERITAGE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamad Izzat Khatab Chairman of "Syria For All" think about was him that "Culture must stop the war and we have seen in Afghanistan and Iraq that the treasures were stolen and destroyed as mercenaries One of the projects of "Syria For All" is to recover the stolen treasures and rebuild a nation. We then are considering to rebuild museums, and restore the ruins of Palmyra. We did not work and requires foreign funds are for it. Syria For All is a foundation with funds are sufficient to finance the reconstruction of cultural heritage destroyed by ISIS. " On the other hand, the Syrian people will be able to find the footprints and marks of its history.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A great cultural center will be erected to explain the history of Syria from his ancestors and history to the new generations. The goal is to re establish the link between the Syrian people since ancient times until today. The Syrians who are sisters from the threat of armed conflict will be able to return to their historical origins and even archeological because Syria was old cradle of the humanity. This homecoming of a Syrian income people of the exodus will allow its individual reconstruction in line with its pure genealogy and in line with the national family tree. This Initiative of "Syria For All" wants "The Syrian people feel better and finally back home.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Syrian people will thus have the pride to be able to find in its history and later reconstituted to radiate this heritage through the new museum and cultural center. This operation will have a time to be reborn Syria from its ashes, especially in the context of the destruction by ISIS millennia remains, and the remainder of humanity was deprived of great priceless treasures.Other nations also saddened by the situation of refugees who make the worm world the doors of Europe fleeing terror, will also be reassured by the recovery finally come home refugees in their country. Demonstrations around the world who are in the UK, France, Canada and other supportive countries TSNT the cause of the Syrian people.-------------------------- It is also a way to express our gratitude to solidarity vis other peoples of our cause, through the cultural exchange with the restoration of the remains and the link with the cradle of mankind. All people will be excited for the Syrian people to know and knowing the repatriated to qualify again has access to the education culture.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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