


USPA NEWS - Signed Article in People's Daily by Director-General of the Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Zhu Qingqiao (January 29, 2016) :

At the beginning of 2015, the first Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean...

Signed Article in People's Daily by Director-General of the Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Zhu Qingqiao (January 29, 2016) :

At the beginning of 2015, the first Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Caribbean States (referred to as China-CELAC Forum) was held in Beijing. The meeting not only pushed China-Latin America relations to the new stage of the simultaneous development in bilateral cooperation and overall cooperation, but also symbolized the full coverage of the mechanism of China's overall cooperation with other developing countries.
What's more, it demonstrated the important position of Latin American and the Caribbean region in China's diplomatic architecture.

Over the past year, with the careful nurturing of both sides, the seedling of the China-CELAC Forum thrived and presented its great vitality. The overall cooperation, as an indispensable part of the Five-in-One new pattern of China-Latin America relations, provides new momentum for China-Latin America relations to move forward to a higher level.
The political mutual trust between China and Latin America is more consolidated. Xi Jinping and other Party and state leaders and Latin American leaders have for many times exchanged views on promoting China-Latin America overall cooperation and forging China-Latin America community of common destiny, reached significant consensus, and led the development of China-Latin America relations. Latin American countries are enthusiastic about developing relations with China. Within the past year, many of their leaders paid visit to China, and Costa Rica and Ecuador have respectively established strategic partnership with China.
China and Latin America keep good cooperation in international affairs and continuously support each other on issues involving their core interests and major concerns.

China-Latin America dialogue and cooperation run more smoothly. China had a new round of dialogues with Foreign Ministers of the quartet of the CELAC. The newly established Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Latin American Affairs stays in communication and coordination with Latin American countries.
As the original sub-forums under the framework of the China-CELAC Forum were successfully held, new sub-forums in fields like infrastructure construction, scientific and technological innovation, and political party exchanges were established and conducted fruitful activities. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Development Bank of Latin America and other organizations and multilateral institutions in Latin America paid great attention to and actively participated in China-Latin America cooperation.
China-Latin America interests are more closely interconnected. Over the past year, the China-Latin American Countries and Caribbean States Cooperation Plan (2015-2019) and China's 35 billion USD package financing arrangements for Latin America passed in the first Ministerial Meeting of China-CELAC Forum have been implemented smoothly. China-Chile FTA upgrading negotiation and China-Columbia FTA feasibility study proceed steadily. Transportation concerns of many agricultural products from Latin America to China were resolved. The RMB Clearing Bank was successively set up in Chile and Argentina. China's investment in Latin America and the amount of new engineering contract projects have increased significantly.
The transformation of impetus in bilateral economic and trade cooperation begins to yield results.

China-Latin America friendship has stricken a deeper chord in the hearts of people. China is increasing scholarship and training quota for Latin America and the "Bridge for the Future" training program for 1000 young leaders of China and Latin America and the like have been carried out orderly, and the Science and Technology Partnership Plan and the Young Scientists Exchange Program between China and Latin America have been officially launched. China has proposed new initiatives including establishing dialogue mechanism between Chinese and Latin American civilizations received positive responses from Latin America.
The Latin America Art Season, Caribbean Music Festival and other colorful activities have been carried out in China. China and Cuba have launched direct flights, which filled the gap of air routes between China and the Caribbean region and vigorously promoted people-to-people exchanges and tourism cooperation between China and Latin America.

At present, China has entered a crucial stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all around way. Guided by the development concepts of innovation, coordination, green development, opening up, and sharing, China is promoting the transformation and upgrading of economic and social development.
Latin American countries are committed to pushing forward economic restructuring and industrial upgrading, and are in their key period of development. China and Latin America share common dreams and aspirations in their paths of development, and enjoy great potentials to deepen their cooperation.

Looking into the future, China and Latin America should stick to the cooperation principle of treating each other as equals, strengthen dialogue, pool consensus, and continuously consolidate the political foundation for China-Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership.
The two sides should stick to the cooperation goal of mutual benefit and win-win results, firmly hold onto the main theme of common development and promote the docking of their development strategies. The two sides should stick to flexible and pragmatic ways of cooperation, simultaneously take bilateral and multilateral approaches, and actively foster new growth points for cooperation. The two sides should stick to an open and inclusive cooperation spirit, seek common ground while shelving differences, and enhance mutual understanding and friendship.
Looking back at 2015, the China-CELAC Forum has embarked on a smooth journey; looking ahead to the future, the China-Latin America overall cooperation will surge ahead with great momentum. Faced with the changing international landscape, the two sides, by working with one heart and one mind, will surely promote China-Latin America relations to make more progress and make new contributions to the development and prosperity of the world.

Source : Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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