
Galician Feijóo accepts the candidacy for the presidency of the Spanish PP

"I'm not here to insult Pedro Sánchez"

Núñez Feijóo on Wednesday
(Source: Popular Party)
USPA NEWS - “In 2018 I said that failing Galicia would be like failing myself. Today I feel that failing the PP is failing Galicia and the rest of Spain," Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Galician regional government and the conservative Popular Party in that Spanish region, said on Wednesday. The leader of the Galician Conservatives announced that he will present his candidacy for the Presidency of the PP and will make himself available to the party and the country with the main objective of guaranteeing the solid, serene, solvent and reliable government that citizens deserve.
"We will be the PP that Spain is waiting for, the one that its affiliates and voters want: those who are, those who were and those who will be again," he said, insisting on the need to be a united, inclusive, solid and clearly, “a mature, responsible and state-oriented alternative” to the central government. Aware of the moment his organization is going through, he clarified that he is not in politics to disregard himself, to accommodate himself or for his own interests: "I have not spent all this time in Galicia facing the most difficult situations to now choose the easiest option."
During his speech before the Board of Directors of the Popular Party of Galicia, Feijóo recalled that in June 2018 he also had the opportunity to present himself to preside over the PP but, given a context in the State as a whole that was much better than the current one, he understood that the best way to serve Spain was to stay in the region to which it owes everything. However, four years later, Spain, he said, is suffering from the worst government in its recent history at a very hard time, the economy is experiencing a storm of inflation, runaway deficits and tax increases, and the central Executive is relying on all those who they don't believe our country.
As he expressed it, Spain is experiencing a limit situation and those who are today in Moncloa - seat of the Government of Spain - "have already shown that they are not prepared to face a crisis of great magnitude or trained" to design the recovery. “In 2018 I said that failing Galicia would be like failing myself. Today I feel that failing the Popular Party is failing Galicia and the rest of Spain,” he stressed.
Spain needs “a government that governs”
“I do not come here to insult Pedro Sánchez. I am here to beat him,” he admitted, explaining that the Conservatives must leave the next National Congress, which will be held on April 1 and 2, strengthened to bring together the millions of Spaniards who want a different Executive, something for which it is necessary the implication of all: "We will do what we must, we will recover, we will come back and we will be the PP in which Spain trusted."
In this sense, he stressed that the country needs the Popular Party to have "a government that governs," assuring that we must have a central Executive that does not confuse understanding with submission to the interests of minorities, that defends the Constitution, that has a good economic policy, that does not see an enemy in those who create employment and wealth, and that finances public services according to the needs of its citizens.
Along the same lines, he added that a government is needed that does not turn differences into insurmountable barriers to agreement, that understands that politics needs greatness and not dogmas or tribal struggles, that is efficient, serious and with common sense, that has a defined energy policy that prefers to transfer knowledge to the youngest through schools and universities, instead of ideology.
“I believe in a Spain in which more understanding is possible. I believe in a policy in which there is ideology and parties, but there are also managers and management. I believe in a Spain with a public system that reaches all its citizens. I believe in a united Spain in which the regions are not a threat but an opportunity to enrich and strengthen what is common to all of us: our nation,” he pointed out.
In addition, the Galician president stressed that he is running as a candidate because he feels identified with the ideas of the Popular Party, the only party with a project for the entire country, which believes in the equality of all Spaniards and solidarity and coexistence among fellow citizens: "There is more that unites us than what divides us and that is our defense of the unity of Spain."
Likewise, he stressed that the popular ones are the ones that can best guarantee stability and progress, something that they have already demonstrated and will demonstrate. Thus, despite the difficulty of the challenges ahead, "together we will overcome them," he concluded.
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