


U.S Secretary Antony Blinken (Source: U.S State of Department.)
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(Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
USPA NEWS - This morning, U.S Secretary Antony Blinken met with NATO’s Secretary General, « to discuss our coordinated response to Russia’s military building up along Ukraine border. «  Antony Blinken said. He added « I wanna thank Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO, for bringing us together . Russia’s aggressive actions are a threat to peace and Security in Europe. We’re prepared to respond forcefully to further Russian aggression. But a Diplomatic solution is still possible and preferable, if Russia chooses it. That’s why we, partners and allies we’ll continue to pursue the dialogue next week, between the United States and Russia, and the meetings of NATO-Russia council, and the OSCE » U.S Secretary Antony Blinken stated. Source: U.S State of Department.
Source: OSCE
« A DIPLOMATIC SOLUTION IS STILL POSSIBLE AND PREFERABLE, IF RUSSIA CHOOSES IT »  U.S SEC ANTONY BLINKEN ADMITTED Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.  Secretary Blinken reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression.  He discussed potential U.S. and Allied responses to Russia’s military buildup along Ukraine’s borders and upcoming diplomatic engagements with Russia.  The Secretary stressed there will be “no conversations about Ukraine without Ukraine.” Secretary Blinken Provides an Update on NATO’s North Atlantic Council Coordinated Response to Russia’s Military Buildup on Ukraine's Borders. US. Secretary Blinken highlighted the coordinated response to Russia’s military buildup along the Ukraine border and increasingly sharp threats and inflammatory rhetoric. Source: Spokesperson Ned Price « NATO DID NOT INVADE UKRAINE NOR GEORGIA » U.S SEC BLINKEN SAID--------------------------------------------- Secretary Blinken said that « Russia has raised issues of European Security in its public statement and the documents that i put forward, But Let’s be very, very clear about this: NATO did not invade Ukraine; NATO did not invade Georgia; NATO did not position forces in Moldova against the will of its people. Those are all things, among many others, that Russia has done in recent years…Over the pas two decades, it is Russia that invaded neighboring countries, interfered in other countries’ elections, used chemical weapons to attempt to assassinate opponents of the government, and done so on doreen soil, violated international arms control agreements, pulled back fro confidence-building and transparency measures, long agreed. And so we and our allies will absolutely be raise these and other issues with Russia in the days and weeks ahead." U.S Sec Blinken explained about the diplomatic process and action engaged towards de-escalade, alongside with allies.---------------------------- ---------------------« RUSSIA HAS CONCERN. WE HAVE CONCERN WE WILL LSTEN AND ITS IMPERATIVE THAT RUSSIA LISTEN » BLINKEN EMPHASIZED--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Russia has concern. We will listen. We have concerns and it’s imperative that Russia listen. And I hope - again, and I said that before- that we can find ways diplomatically through these conversations, both bilaterally between the NATO-Russia Council and the OSCE, to actually make progress. And of course there is the ongoing military occupation in Ukraine that has be dealt with. There’s a process for that too, the Minsk process. And there are many steps elaborated a long time ago, that if taken would resolve that peacefully and restore sovereignty to Ukraine, in Eastern Ukraine . We very much supply that process. We support the that Germany and France are trying to do to bring Ukraine and Russia together to advance it. And we’ll do whatever we can to facilitate that in the weeks and months ahead." U.S Sec Blinken concluded, over Ukraine-Russia tensions that need to be appeased, in the following weeks ahead. Source: U.S. Department of State
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