


US Pdt Joe Biden & Pdt Macron NATO (Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
US Pdt Joe Biden& VP Kamala Harris
(Source: White House)
USPA NEWS - « President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Emmanuel Macron of France. The two leaders reviewed ongoing efforts by their teams to support stability and security in the Sahel and to enhance cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. They also discussed efforts to enable a stronger and more capable European defense while ensuring complementarity with NATO. President Biden looks forward to the meeting with President Macron in Rome later this month, where they will continue the conversation, take stock of the many areas of U.S.-France cooperation, and reinforce our shared interests and common values as we take on challenges and opportunities together. President Biden also noted the November visit by Vice President Harris to Paris as a key opportunity to further enhance U.S.-France cooperation on a range of global challenges. » Source: White House
White House Logo
Source: White House
STATEMENT ON THE PHONE CALL BETWEEN PRESIDENT MACRON AND U.S PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN----------The French President Macron spoke by telephone with the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, as it was announced few weeks ago, over the submarines, crisis. In the spirit of their conversation on September 22, the two heads of state reviewed the work under way between France and the United States to ensure trust and meet today’s challenges together, notably the establishment of a stronger European defense that complements NATO and contributes to global security. They applauded the good progress made in these areas and agreed to deepen the dialogue and cooperation between our two countries at a meeting they will have in Rome where both will be present for the G20 summit.  President MACRON was also pleased that he will be able to host U.S. Vice President Kamala HARRIS on the occasion of the Paris Peace Forum on November 11, and the International Conference on Libya in Paris on November 12. Source: Elysee, french Presidency. READOUT OF PRESIDENT JOSEPH R. BIEN Jr.’s CALL WITH PRESIENT EMMANUEL MACRON OF FRANCE « President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Emmanuel Macron of France. The two leaders reviewed ongoing efforts by their teams to support stability and security in the Sahel and to enhance cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. They also discussed efforts to enable a stronger and more capable European defense while ensuring complementarity with NATO. President Biden looks forward to the meeting with President Macron in Rome later this month, where they will continue the conversation, take stock of the many areas of U.S.-France cooperation, and reinforce our shared interests and common values as we take on challenges and opportunities together. President Biden also noted the November visit by Vice President Harris to Paris as a key opportunity to further enhance U.S.-France cooperation on a range of global challenges. » Source: White House
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