
At the French SENATE - Conference on - AFRICA IS OUR FUTURE -

For The BEST or The WORSE

At The SENATE in Paris (Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
At The SENATE in Paris
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
USPA NEWS - At the French SENATE, was held a Conference organized by Jean-Marie Bockel (ex-Minister and actual Haut-Rhin Senator) 'Africa is our Future, for the Worse or the Best ?'. It was on November 03, 2016 in PARIS...
At the French SENATE, was held a Conference organized by Jean-Marie Bockel (ex-Minister and actual Haut-Rhin Senator) 'AFRICA is our Future, for the Worse or the Best ?'. It was on November 03, 2016 in PARIS. Too often, we focus on the past and we still don´t see that AFRICA is the continent of tomorrow, the continent of the future. The Africans should highlight even more their growing role, their determination and their capabilities; but an opportunity too for FRANCE to go and invest in AFRICA.
Economic activity is diversifying there. It´s no longer just about the use of natural resources. It´s about converting them. The increasing investment there clearly confirms that French companies have an interest in going to AFRICA to trade, work and carry out projects. Many believe that FRANCE should consider that it´s an opportunity because FRANCE is one of the African continent´s major partners, and has been for a long time. This partnership must be founded on principles if we want to achieve this goal (reciprocity, transparency in development aid mechanisms, long-term commitment...)
At The SENATE in Paris
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
At The SENATE in Paris
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
At The SENATE in Paris
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Personalities were giving a speak to illustrate this issue and according to their professional and personal experiences :

- Jean-Marie Bockel : ex-Minister and actual Haut-Rhin Senator
- Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN : ex-Prime Minister and actual President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, Armed Forces at the French Senate
- André VALLINI : Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International development, in charge of the Development and the Francophonie
- Jean-Louis BORLOO : Minister of State, President of the Energy for Africa Foundation
- Hubert VEDRINE : former Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Jean-François PLACE : State Secretary to the Prime Minister in charge of the reform of the State & for the simplification
Two ROUND TABLES with different personalities from FRANCE and African Countries (GABON, BENIN, BURKINA FASO, MALI...) :

- 'AFRICA : a threat, a challenge, opportunities ? '
- 'AFRICA : the challenge of good governance'


Source : French SENATE on November 3, 2016

Yasmina BEDDOU
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