


Dynamic woods logo (Source: French Ministry if Ecology)
Slogan Royal French Minister Ecology
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Ségolène Royal, French Minister of Environment, Energy and the Sea, nominated the winners of the 2016 call for expressions of interest (AMI) "DYNAMIC Wood ". Launched in February 2016 by the Minister, this second edition, like the first in 2015, was a resounding success.
French Ministry of Ecology logo
Source: Courtesy French Ministry of Ecology
Segolene Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and the Sea, in charge of International Relations on climate, nominated the winners of the 2016 call for expressions of interest (AMI) "DYNAMIC Wood ". The minister launched it in February 2016 by , this second edition, like the first in 2015, was a resounding success. Nominations were analyzed by the services of the MMSE, the MAAF and ADEME: 19 projects are retained in all the metropolitan areas, for a total funding of € 20 million in the Heat Fund managed by ADEME. For each project selected, the selection of specific actions; the envelope permanently allocated to each project will be finalized in September 2016.  THERE WILL BE 16 900 HA AFFECTED BY ACTIONS IMPROVED--------------------------------------------------------------- The 16 900 ha will be affected by actions stand improvement. These projects will also help to mobilize 1 million tons of wood a year to boiler rooms, extra wood for materials and improve poor populations, to contribute to the adaptation of French forests to climate change. The years 2015 and 2016 editions of AMI "DYNAMIC Wood" and help support an average of 3 projects per region for a total amount of aid of about € 55 million. These projects, whose implementation requires time, especially for the "stand improvement" component will be subject to careful monitoring and regular interim balance sheets allowing to identify key lessons. This feedback will feed the sustainability of this initiative with funding to provide, including through innovative financing provided by the Strategic Committee of the contract for the Timber industry. As a reminder, the 2015, launched as part of the Strategic Committee in the wood industry, has resulted in the support of the MMSE to 24 projects for a funding of € 35 million, mainly from funds managed by Heat ADEME. These projects spread across the metropolitan area, combine about 200 players in the timber industry and result in particular in implementing the improvement actions stands on an area of “‹“‹22 400 ha & an additional volume of wood to fuel boiler Heat Fund of 2 million m3.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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