
Segolene Royal announced the implementing decree measures to green growth

of hydroelectric concessions

HydroPower logo (Source: Courtesy Terrapin)
Energy Transition logo
(Source: Courtesy Ministry Ecology)
USPA NEWS - Segolene Royal announced the publication of the implementing decree measures of the law on the energy transition to green growth in the field of hydroelectric concessions.Hydropower plays a vital role in the energy transition: in 2015 it represented 11% of the annual electricity production, in Franc
Segolene Royal Action Day COP21
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Segolene Royal announced the publication of the implementing decree measures of the law on the energy transition to green growth in the field of hydroelectric concessions. Hydropower plays a vital role in the energy transition: in 2015 it represented 11% of the annual electricity production and 61% of electricity generation from renewable sources. By its flexibility, it allows to accompany the implementation of the Government's objectives to accelerate the development of electric renewable energy, like wind and solar. The law on the energy transition to green growth has instituted innovative devices on the system of hydroelectric concessions, with the aim of ensuring coherent management structures, reconciliation of uses of water, good information portions stakeholders and economic development of territories.------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ENERGY TRANSITION RESPONDS TO ISSUES RAISED BY EU, FURTHER COP21 AGREEMENT----------------- The implementation of these devices, pursuant to the law on the energy transition to green growth, respond to issues raised by the European Commission as part of the litigation opened against France, in compliance with the principles the french model of hydropower.The decree, which was the subject of a broad consultation of stakeholders since summer 2015, specifying in particular:· The conditions of the consolidation of concessions, when facilities are hydraulically linked and must be operated in a coordinated manner;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · The creation process, when renewing concessions, hydroelectric joint venture companies, combining skilled operators, local communities and the state.The decree allows to prepare the implementation of the various hydroelectric concessions management tools provided by law, in particular in order to initiate by the end of the first groups of concessions and renewal of expired concessions, if any, with the creation of hydroelectric joint venture companies.The law maintains the status of the electricity and gas industries and the resumption of employees the same conditions during the concession renewals. It also allows the extension of concessions, when large investments can be made in respect of the concessions law.---------------------- The decree also modernize the regulatory framework for hydroelectric concessions: “¢ puts consistent rules for granting hydroelectric concessions with the legislation transposing the directive on concession contracts; “¢ It allows the state to initiate the creation of new concessions without waiting for the introduction of a bill, and award additional compensation under the concession contract; “¢ updates the rules on the safety of hydraulic structures; “¢ it renovates the notebook model loads of hydroelectric concessions to accommodate current practices in public service concession contracts; “¢ It specifies the modalities of implementation and consultation of the monitoring committees of the concessions, which are intended to facilitate information of local authorities and residents on the execution of the concession, and their participation in the management of uses of the water.

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