
The French Energy Transition law sets ambitious goals by Segolene Royal

for reducing greenhouses gases

Transition Energy (Source: Courtesy Ministry Ecology )
Segolene Royal Action Day COP21
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - The law on the energy transition to green growth sets ambitious targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, energy saving and diversification of the energy mix: renewables should represent 32% of the gross final consumption of energy in 2030.
Renewable Energy
Source: Courtesy Ministry Ecology
The law on the energy transition to green growth sets ambitious targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, energy saving and diversification of the energy mix: renewables should represent 32% of the gross final consumption of energy in 2030. My first priority is for the energy transition, alongside energy efficiency, development of renewable energy, I decided to publish without waiting for an order defining the new objectives of development of the various sectors in 2023 to give now maximum visibility to investors, without waiting for the publication of the EPP.“ Segolene Royal Minister of Ecology and President of COP21, declared.----------AMBITIOUS GOALS OF ENERGY TRANSITION LAW BY SEGOLENE ROYAL-- "The development of renewable energy is at the heart of the transition to our energy model of the XXI century, more efficient and more sober, more diversified thus more resilient, protecting human health and the environment and ensuring access to energy. It creates jobs and future activities. "The order that I signed sets ambitious targets for 2023, which will contribute to: “¢ increase of over 50% the installed capacity of renewable energy power compared to 2015, bringing it to 71-78 GW against 43 today; “¢ more than double the installed capacity of onshore wind; “¢ more than triple the installed capacity of solar photovoltaic farm; “¢ more than double the installed capacity for generating electricity from wood fuel “¢ develop the potential of France for offshore renewable energy: - The power installed in 2023 targets are set at 3000 MW for offshore wind installed and 100 MW for marine renewable energy (MRE floating wind, tidal) - In addition, the ambition for the volume of projects that have been awarded by public tender and will be underway in 2023 is increased to 6000 MW for offshore wind installed and up to 2 000 MW for EMR, based on first projects and achievements, local consultations and price conditions. “¢ increase of over 50% the production of renewable heat, compared to 2014, from: - The increase of more than 20% of the heat production from biomass, - The increase of more than 7 of heat production from biogas, derived from methanation - Multiplication by more than 4 for the production of heat from geothermal - Increasing over 75% of heat production from heat pumps - an increase of over 80% of heat from solar thermal “¢ triple the amount of renewable heat and cold recovery delivered by the networks. “¢ Inject into the gas network 8 Terawatt hour of biogas from anaerobic digestion, and support the development of bioNGV (natural gas vehicle) up to 20% of LPG consumption in 2023. All sectors and all energies are mobilized to significantly accelerate the development of renewable energy. Source Minster of Ecology
Segolene Royal Minister of Ecology
Source: Courtesy Ministry Ecology
Segolene Royal Minister of Ecology
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Segolene Royal & Hakima El Haite
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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