
Rajoy says that is very good for Spanish economic the growth forecasts of IMF

2.7% this year

USPA NEWS - The acting president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, on Tuesday after attending the VIII Tourism Leadership Forum Exceltur, welcomed the report of the IMF in which increased economic forecasts for Spain is collected and stressed the importance of persevering in the policies carried out.
That's important to continue growing and creating jobs, said Rajoy. Data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, are "very good and very important to the Spanish economy." Rajoy said, "is the only country in the world that will improve their foresight", 3.2% growth in 2015 and 2.7% in 2016. This, he said, is the product of effort Spaniards have done over the years and shows that "policies that have been made were the right ones."
In his opinion, "if we do the right things, Spain may continue to grow in the next four years at a good pace and keep creating jobs, which is the great national goal." This requires creating a Government that "stability, security, certainty and have a large majority to govern," said Rajoy. To achieve this, he said, "let us agree and build" because otherwise "we will create a problem for the Spanish, who do not have to bear all the effort that has been made these years, disappear at a stroke," Rajoy concluded.
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