


Ban Ki Moon F Hollande L Fabius S Royal C Figueres (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi/COP21)
Fabius President of COP21
(Source: Courtesy of Laurent Fabius)
USPA NEWS - French President Francois Hollande will join the Paris climate talks as delegates debate what organisers hope is the final draft of an unprecedented agreement among all countries to fight global warming together. According to President of COP21, Fabius, it is an extra weight to this last session.
Action Day Banner COP21
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE FRENCH PRESIDENT HOLLANDE TO JOIN THE PARIS CLIMATE LAST TALKS TO REACH A FINAL AGREEMENT ALONGSIDE COP21´s PRESIDENT FABIUS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- French President Francois Hollande will join the Paris climate talks as delegates debate what organisers hope is the final draft of an unprecedented agreement among all countries to fight global warming together. According to President of COP21, Laurent Fabius, it is an extra weight to this last (expected to be the last“¦) session of December 12. Laurent Fabius who is also the French Foreign Minister has been leading plenary meetings at the last two weeks of U.N. climate talks as representing the Presidency of COP21. His diplomacy´s skills have been an asset to the talks and negotiations expressed through the diverse opinions, and specific requirements of each party.------------------------------------------------------------------- Hollande's presence will give extra weight to Saturday's session. French officials say what they hope is the final draft has been completed and is being translated for discussion among delegates. This agreement whether it is positive could be a landmark global deal to fight climate change. A unique global agreement in the whole history of the planet. This is why, all the so all wills and energies are mobilised in these very latest negotiation finalisation hours to reach a global consensus and will protect the planet for future generations. Besides, the French president Hollande, has joined this final and crucial stage of the negotiation between parts of United Nations.
Media Center Central Room Bourget
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE FINAL DRAFT OF AGREEMENT TO FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE IS TO BE FINALISED OUTSIDE PARIS The negotiation has been tough and “most complicated and difficult ever“ said Ban Ki Moon, The UN Secretary General, regarding the next agreement about climate change in COP21. The agreement is mostly expected and could be historical, as the COP21 has been running smoothly and without any disagreement, in the difficult context of the after attacks of Paris. The state of emergency brings an extra tense atmosphere after the attacks in Paris (Black Friday of November 13) and did not prevent or holding the COP21 in a tragic context. The participants, both from the official delegations of 150 countries, many came and were satisfied with the organisation of the COP21 / CMP11------------------------------------------------------------------- See also article : STATE OF EMERGENCY WAS DECLARED FOR 12 DAYS IN PARIS SINCE THE TERRORIST ATTACKS BLACK FRIDAY OF NOVEMBER 13TH - See more at: Ban Ki Moon, The UN Secretary General said that we are moving towards a conclusion after the Paris exchanges and conversations the most complex and complicated and the most difficult negotiations he has ever known.
Draft 27 pages of the last agreement
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
A DRAFT FINAL REDUCED TO 27 PAGES TO DELIVER AN HISTORIC AGREEMENT ON CLIMATIC CHANGE The last draft agreement reduced to 27 pages, was released Thursday night, is quite widely studied and deeply tackled regarding many issues, but is still lacking some areas solutions to please everybody.-------------------------------------------------- Laurent Fabius, President of the COP21, also French Foreign Affairs Minister said “ We are reaching a successful and ambition agreement“ yesterday night.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some issues have not been resolved yet, especially the financial and legal which are the most important part of the accord itself. The other share of each country regarding they are developed countries or not, don´t seem to be satisfied by the “assessment of each country´s part and share of the contributions.“ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Iraqi Minister of Environment Dr Jassim Abdulaziz Al Falahy explained at a press conference yesterday afternoon, at GCC´s pavilion that “ We have submitted our INDCC in last November to UNFCCC, and we would like to be considered as a country that is mostly producer of oil, depending on oil, but also endeavour the impacts of climate changes. We had to set up two weeks of vacations in Iraq because of the rise of temperatures that became unbearable to our population“. Not to mention that Iraq is a territory under conflict and also impacted by climate and conflict migration, and suffers from the DAECH ´s domination deviating their oil from the national vital resource.-------------------------------------------------------------- According to an official source, the final draft of a has been completed after late-night negotiations and translated in many languages before to be presented to participant of the negotiations outside Paris within hours. The official text will be presented at the special meeting to be haled at at 11:30 a.m. (1030 GMT), in COP21, Le Bourget, in Plenary Room La Seine.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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