


USPA NEWS - MAY 15, 1958 - Statement of General De GAULLE regarding ALGIERSs and the occupation of the main government building and creation of a Committee of Public Safety. It was during the colonial time(The French Empire) going from 1830 to 1962...

MAY 15, 1958 - Statement of General De GAULLE regarding ALGIERSs and the occupation of the main government building and creation of a Committee of Public Safety. It was during the colonial time(The French Empire) going from 1830 to 1962

Following the list of important events happening before and after the establishment of the New FRENCH CONSTITUTION:

- May 15, 1958
De Gaulle declares himself ready to assume power.

- May 16, 1958
The Assembly declares a state of emergency and General Ely resigns as the chief of the general staff.

- May 27, 1958
communiqué issued by de Gaulle on the establishment of a Republican government capable of assuring the unity and independence of the country.
- May 29, 1958
De Gaulle is called upon to take up the position of President of the Council by President of the Republic René Coty.

- June 1, 1958
De Gaulle is invested as President of the Council by the National Assembly.

- June 2, 1958
The National Assembly grants him full powers to and gives him a mandate for constitutional reform.

- August 20-29, 1958
Visit to BLACK AFRICA, MADAGASCAR and ALGERIA to explain the implications of the future Constitution and the federal status of the Community.

- September 4, 1958
Speech in the Place de la République in Paris, presenting the new Constitution.
- September 26-28, 1958
The new Constitution is put to referendum and approved by 80% of the French electorate.

- October 3,1958
Creation of the Union pour la Nouvelle République, UNR, ("Union for the New Republic") including most of the Gaullist movements.

- October 4, 1958

- December 21, 1958
De Gaulle is elected President of the French Republic and of the African and Madagascan Community.

- January 8, 1959
De Gaulle takes up his functions as President of the Fifth Republic. Michel Debré is Prime Minister.

- September 16, 1959
De Gaulle announces the principle of self-determination as his policy on ALGERIA
- July - August 1960
Independence granted to the states of the African and Madagascan Community.

- November 4, 1960
Speech broadcast from the Elysée on radio and TV setting out the President's policy on ALGERIA. He refers to an 'Algerian Algeria'.

- January 8, 1961
Referendum on self-determination for ALGERIA (75% vote in favour).

- April 22, 1961
Attempted putsch by Generals Challe, Jouhaux, Salan and Zeller.

- September 8, 1961
De Gaulle escapes injury in an OAS assassination attempt at Pont-sur-Seine.

- December 26, 1961
Law passed on behalf of the repatriated settlers from ALGERIA.

-March 7-18, 1962
Negotiations in Evian between France and the FLN leading to Algerian independence and a cease-fire.

- April 8, 1962
Referendum on the Evian agreements (90% in favour).

MAY 15, 1958 - STATEMENT
On 13 May 1958, four weeks after the fall of Félix Gaillard's government, Pierre Pflimlin asked the National Assembly for a vote of confidence in the government he intended to form. That same day, in Algiers, a demonstration by partisans of a French ALGERIA culminated in the occupation of the main government building, the Palais du Gouvernement Général, and the forming of a 'Committee of Public Safety'.
On the morning of 14 May, Pierre Pflimlin secured a vote of confidence from the National Assembly and delegated authority in Algeria to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, General Salan, even though he had already expressed his support for the "Committee of Public Safety" formed by the demonstrators. In view of the situation which resulted from these events, General de Gaulle broke the silence of several years.

'The degradation of the state leads infallibly to the distancing of allies, to perturbations among the armed forces in combat, to national dislocation and to the loss of independence. For the past twelve years France, at grips with problems too intractable for the party regime, has been engaged in this disastrous process.'
' Once before the country, in the depths of its trials, placed its trust in me to lead it towards salvation.'

'Today, in the face of the difficulties once again looming, let the country know that I hold myself in readiness to assume the powers of the Republic.'

Source : Charles-de-Gaulle ( Chronologie )

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