


Blackboard Logo (Source: Courtesy of Blackboard )
E-learning Logo
(Source: Courtesy of rdcpol-eu)
USPA NEWS - Blackboard, a leading provider of e-learning solutions for education announced the distribution in France of the new version of Blackboard Collaborate â„¢. These are a new generation web conferencing solution that allows one to communicate in real time on any terminal, and directly via the web browser
Ready to talk interactive
Source: Newswire
This edition is based on the Collaborate WebRTC technology. It sports a brand new design, the Ultra experience that combines simplicity and comfort, launch speed and simplified deployments. For its wealth of audio and video capabilities of high quality, this new version of Collaborate invites to live a more personal experience, that stimulates the involvement of all, teachers, students and business users.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new "Blackboard Collaborate" betters accessibility features, more intuitive and with an increased ability to see and react to the content, with coloured icons that identify active modes more easily. It offers a simple recording and playback of audio and video sessions using the MP4 format readable on mobile, and easy to share by teachers with students and their peers. Blackboard conducted a complete overhaul of the original Collaborate solution to integrate Blackboard Learn â„¢ y (e-learning tools) and Moodlerooms (open source solution); This will in aligned on the new original approach to education, "New Learning Experience", Blackboard. This approach, learner-centred, promotes engagement, interaction and quality learning by focusing on a simplified educational experience through the integration of technology, services and data.  "Blackboard Collaborate Ultra experience" is the first concrete example of the ability with which our overall approach promises to change the modes of interaction between learners and trainers, "said Matthew Small, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, International Blackboard. "With its sleek design minimalist interface, designed for the learner a few clicks to control the tool. With the new version Collaborate is a solution for online collaboration high quality which will be able to benefit educators, learners and employees of companies in France, "he continues.------------------------------------------- With this new version, moderators also have the option to open a "Collaborate" session in line with the experience "Ultra" or return to the original experience, that opens a Java application in a new window for group 1000 participants maximum.  ABOUT BLACKBOARD E-LEARNING SOLUTIONS FOR EDUCATION--------------------------------------------------------- Blackboard is a leading provider of e-learning solutions for education. Its objective is to offer new learning models to reinvent education and make it more accessible, attractive and relevant to the new learner and institutions. In partnership with customers and partners in higher education, primary and secondary schools, professional organizations and government worldwide, Blackboard's mission is to design the educational future by supporting each learner, throughout life.

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