


Jorge Ramos (Source: Courtesy of Jorge Ramos)
USPA NEWS - Annoyed by a question about the expulsion of immigrants, Donald Trump, republicans favorite candidate running for the future Republican party for the next presidency, has expelled from a press conference the iconic anchor of the Hispanic “Univision“ channel, Jorge Ramos.
Mexican at border killed
Source: the correspondent
JORGE RAMOS ICONIC ANCHOR OF UNIVISION POSTED ON TWITTER “ AM IMMIGRANT, JOURNALIST, AND ANCHOR“ Almost every night since 1986, the Mexican is the star of Noticiero Univision, the newspaper of the evening's main television channel in Spanish United States. He is an iconic anchor gathering an audience of 55 million Latinos in the country, and also in a much of Latin America. The expelled journalist who was attending the Donald Trump's press conference, posted on his Twitter account, Jorge Ramos is defined as "immigrant, journalist, presenter". Donald Trump, candidate for the Republican nomination for the next presidential elections, couldn't stand the question asked by when Ramos who stood up, frankly to questioning him about the immigration situation especially about the “wall at the border between the US and Mexico“. Before leaving the billionaire Trump exclaimed: "Sit down, I don't allow you to speak!" Then: "Sit! Sit! Return to Univision! "Before a security guard came firmly push the reporter to the exit in front while the colleagues did not interfere, as they seemed too busy filming the scene with their smartphones. Eventually, after realising that he had crossed the limit in trying to silencing Jorge, Donald Trump fell in his misplaced and inappropriate attitude. It was clearly an attack of expressing freedom of speech by the journalist accredited provoked by Trump who then, authorised Jorge Ramos back into the room and answer his questions. "How will you build a wall of thousands of kilometres on the border?" "Easy, I am manufacturer. It's more difficult to build a 95-story building. "" How do you deport 11 million people? Using the army? "" It will be very human way. I have more heart than you. " Source: ABC, cnn, Univision, Jorge Ramos
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