
The Forgotten Story in the Middle East

Real Story

Article cover
Muzdalifa Al-Nuaimi
USPA NEWS - Screams sound and they’re loud,
but they’re silent as the bombs rain down,
like painful sorrows down the ground.
People run and hide,
Away from from each danger,
Unaware which step will be their last, if their home will become their past, which stranger to confide in next or which street to find some rest.
Children die,
before they even learn to know that they’re alive.
Mothers cry as they lose their children, one by one, like a candle losing its light.
Fathers go out and try, try to bring something to eat, but end up laying on the street, in a puddle full of blood, and a bag of their children’s sweets.
This may sound unreal, like some painful old story nobody wants to hear, and no soul wants to remember,
But this is real life in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya and all those countries who’s story no one wants to look after.
But it really makes me wonder,

How you’ve seen it on the news, on your TVs, squeezed between your favourite shows, like it’s normal to watch a starving kid, then watch a comedy show, without feeling any sort of woe.
But wait, these people’s suffering is okay, right? Because their countries aren’t civilised and their children aren’t blonde and blue eyed.
Well then tell me where your countries found their civilisation,
Because last time I checked the history books,
Civilisation started in Mesopotamia, the land between the two rivers, modern Iraq, yes, the one stolen by the USA and then became its failure.
So how could you be the civilised,
When your civilisation only came through our colonisation.
You stole our everything and left us with nothing,
And don’t act like the British museum isn’t the biggest theft in history,
Like all these foreign artefacts just showed up in Britain through some mystery?
Yet, we’re the ones who are ridiculous and unintelligent and should therefore live in misery?
Now let me remind you that children are still starving, mothers are still crying and fathers are still dying, and you’re all watching, but ignoring.

Maybe seeing the suffering makes you feel bad, and you don’t want to be sad, because then you’ll need to book a holiday, to forget about that day.
Well our people can’t just simply run away from the reality of their everyday.
And those who succeed to find a way to escape from the countries you destroyed, end up drowning in the ocean, because you felt annoyed.
How could this crowd of uncivilised people expect to be welcomed?
And if they really want to live on western land, they should expect to forget about their own culture and identity,
Even though regardless of what we do we’ll never be part of your white entity.
You mock our prophet and try to burn our holy book, and we have to be quiet to respect the freedom of expression,
Yet in your countries we’re not allowed to wear a hijab if we want an education, and you’ll still complain that we’re the ones who don’t seem to want any integration.
And let me remind you that you barged into our countries without permission, not for refuge, but for occupation, and you expected us to be quiet and not to question.

You kill us, starve us, steal our homes, our land and our culture,
We speak up and you get offended because we couldn’t keep our composure,
You show up with your nuclear weapons, ready to fire at innocent people and their possessions.
We show up with nothing but our faith and some rocks to throw at the aggressor, or should I say the aggressors’ military tanks and multi-million dollar protective gear,
But now we’re the terrorists and none of us should be left with no fear, and wherever we go, your bombs will always be near.
But I still hope that you feel okay, after that movie you watched that made you shed a tear.
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