
55% of Spaniards believe that there is a risk of a Third World War

For the Russian invasion of Ukraine

PM Pedro Sánchez in Ukraine
(Source: Pool Moncloa)
USPA NEWS - 55% of Spaniards consider that there is a risk that a Third World War will break out as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, five points more than in March, according to the latest current survey by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS in Spanish acronym). This is confirmed by the barometer on "current issues", with surveys conducted between April 11 and 18 to 2,518 people, almost two months after Russia began its military offensive on Ukraine.
According to the survey, that was released this Tuesday, the number of respondents who believe that there is no risk of a global conflict drops by five points, from 41.5% last March to 36.5% this month. In this context, 45.3% believe that Spain should increase military spending compared to 47% who think that it should not be increased or that it should even decrease, similar percentages to the previous survey. They are a clear majority, 60%, who think that the EU should have its own army, compared to 31 percent who believe that it does not.
Regarding the use of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, 49.7% are convinced that they are being used by the Russian Army, 10.2 points more than in March, while those who think that Putin is not using them fall, going from 25.2% in March to 21.9% in April. Nine out of ten Spaniards believe that Russia is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine and want their president, Vladimir Putin, to be tried for them before international courts.
The survey reflects that a very high percentage of citizens (90%) believe that Russia is committing war crimes, that it is deliberately attacking the Ukrainian civilian population (85%) and that Putin should be tried before a criminal court or body international for war crimes (88%). But in addition, more than half of the population believes that the war in Ukraine is going to cause shortages of essential products and fuel in Spain, and they ask the Government for "strong" measures to avoid it.
Spaniards also think that the Russian Government "is producing false images or news" to blame the Ukrainian Army for the attacks on the civilian population, since 76.8 percent agree with this idea, compared to only 5 percent who rejects it. The reception of Ukrainian refugees in Spain is applauded by the majority, and more than 90% describe it as quite or very positive.
More than 80% ask for a cap on the price of fuel
Spain continues in the same fifth place in the list of countries best valued by citizens in their role for the war in Ukraine, which is headed by the Ukrainian Government itself, with an average of 7.10 points (before 7.06). It is followed by France (5.92) and the European Union (5.48), and below it are Germany (5.07), Spain (with 5.06, slightly raising the previous 5.02 with very similar scores) and the USA (5.03), with the Government of Russia in last place, with a score of 1.5 out of ten.
Regarding the repercussion that this conflict may have in Spain, 57.1% think that it will affect the supply of food and other essential products, and 50.7% believe that, for this reason, the Government should adopt "strong measures". Also 82.3% of those surveyed demand that the Executive establish a maximum ceiling for the price of fuel in Spain in the current situation and only 8.6% of citizens oppose it.
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