


Ukrainian Press Zelensky Video Conf EU Parliament (Source: Twitter)
EU Parliament Standing Ovation
(Source: European Parliament)
USPA NEWS - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky received a warm ad long round of applause, as the MEP’s gifted him a standing ovation, after he addressed an emotional Remarks, the European Parliament by video conference system, on Tuesday.
Since the Russian attacks began last Thursday, that « Black Thursday  24February 22 », his country became a battlefield, under bombings, spectrum of a war, Volodomyr Zelensky kept his calm, and stood with his people, resisting, on the ground, wearing military uniform, holding back the Russian forces. “This morning was a very tragic one for us, two cruise missiles hit Kharkiv,” he said as if was sending an SOS message to the MEP’s, who the parliamentarians who for the occasion wore in their buttonhole a pin in the colors of the yellow and blue Ukrainian flag… President Zelensky. In fact, as he was speaking, he recalled that the attack of the today’s TV Tower bombing, which he qualified an “undisguised terror” and an act of “war crime” .
EU Parliament Standing By Urkaine
Source: Twitter
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky received a warm ad long round of applause, as the MEP’s gifted him a standing ovation, after he addressed an emotional Remarks, the European Parliament by video conference system, on Tuesday. Since the Russian attacks began last Thursday, that « Black Thursday  24February 22 », his country became a battlefield, under bombings, spectrum of a war, Volodomyr Zelensky kept his calm, and stood with his people, resisting, on the ground, wearing military uniform, holding back the Russian forces. “This morning was a very tragic one for us, two cruise missiles hit Kharkiv,” he said as if was sending an SOS message to the MEP’s, who the parliamentarians who for the occasion wore in their buttonhole a pin in the colors of the yellow and blue Ukrainian flag… President Zelensky. In fact, as he was speaking, he recalled that the attack of the today’s TV Tower bombing, which he qualified an “undisguised terror” and an act of “war crime” . Indeed, according to AFP, « Five people died and five were injured today in a missile strike aimed at Kyiv's main television tower, the Ukrainian emergencies service said. Ukrainian officials released footage of charred bodies and cars damaged in the apparent Russian attack that knocked out some state broadcasters but left the structure intact. » Source AFP RUSSIAN FORCES HAD ALSO LAUNCHED A MASSIVE STRIKE ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS--Russian forces had also launched a « massive strike on local government headquarters in the centre of Ukraine's second city Kharkiv, killing at least 10 people. In his address the Ukrainian President Zelensky who is resisting, and has declined the various offers of exfiltrating him to the West, is multiplying communication initiatives, to keep connected to the rest of the World, via social network, and phone calls with the Western leaders. (U.S President Biden, French President Macron,UK’s PM, Boris Johnson) As the situation is going worsening, President Zelensky took the opportunity, to call (again) on EU member states to prove their loyalty to Ukraine and its citizens, who he said were “paying the ultimate price to defend freedom.” He terminated his address by praising his people who are bravely resisting and constitute an “incredible” nation, warning that “We’re giving away our best people. The strongest ones,” and that “for some people, this is their last day,” to draw the MEP’s attention to the gravity of the current situation, especially in Kyiv the capital.../
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