Struggle for Justice: Against the Myth of a willfully caused Airplane-Crash
Technical Failure covered up?

Germanwings-Aircraft - Symbol-Picture (Source: Pixabay)
What is it all ““ about?
With years of own-run deep, international and even using under-cover-methodes investigations, a Germany-located woman has discovered plenty of disputes in concern to the mass-media spread version of a special kind of Human Failure as the cause of the Germanwings-Airplane-Crash happend on 24th March 2015. She defines herself as a Justice-Activist as who she is struggling to protect defensless victimes against unjustified offenses ““ as especially people who are blamed of beeing mentally ill. In this context she refers on the historically fact, that mentally ill people have been killed in great masses by the Nazi-Tyranny which judged them to be “žlife not worth living“. In accodance to her privatly and independent researches, the mentioned officially explaination of a mentally ill Co-Pilot who has crashed these Aiplane with 149 passengers on a mountain-massiv of the French Alps on it´s way from Barcelona to Düsseldorf, could be just a Government-implanted cover of the truth: To hide a potential Technical Failing of Airbus-manufactured Aerospace-Technologies.
With years of own-run deep, international and even using under-cover-methodes investigations, a Germany-located woman has discovered plenty of disputes in concern to the mass-media spread version of a special kind of Human Failure as the cause of the Germanwings-Airplane-Crash happend on 24th March 2015. She defines herself as a Justice-Activist as who she is struggling to protect defensless victimes against unjustified offenses ““ as especially people who are blamed of beeing mentally ill. In this context she refers on the historically fact, that mentally ill people have been killed in great masses by the Nazi-Tyranny which judged them to be “žlife not worth living“. In accodance to her privatly and independent researches, the mentioned officially explaination of a mentally ill Co-Pilot who has crashed these Aiplane with 149 passengers on a mountain-massiv of the French Alps on it´s way from Barcelona to Düsseldorf, could be just a Government-implanted cover of the truth: To hide a potential Technical Failing of Airbus-manufactured Aerospace-Technologies.
Not at last with the goal to avoid confusions in the field of Germany-planned international Defense-Projects of a very great style: Especially the casualty of an Israel passenger of these crashed Airplane could have caused trouble for the Airbus-Israeli-Aerospace-Industries Heron-P-Drone-Cooperation and the further plan to get a German-French-Israeli-Italian autonomous constructed and run European Combat-Drone on it´s way.
And these Drone-Project with German-French Airbus-Technologies as core-equipment in combination with Israeli-manufactured Israel-Aerospace-Industries Technologies is just one pillar of an independent designed European Space- and Satellite-Defense-Technology roof-enterprise. Even a planned 7th-Geneeration Fighting-Aircraft constructed by the French and the German Defense Industries should become run under these roof of Space-based Defense Technologies ““ as the second pillar of an autonomous European Air-Defense-Infrastructure. And as a result of all these backgrounds a scapegoat has been necessary to become found as the one you is responsible especially for the death of the Israeli passenger, instead of German-French Airbus-Technology:
And these Drone-Project with German-French Airbus-Technologies as core-equipment in combination with Israeli-manufactured Israel-Aerospace-Industries Technologies is just one pillar of an independent designed European Space- and Satellite-Defense-Technology roof-enterprise. Even a planned 7th-Geneeration Fighting-Aircraft constructed by the French and the German Defense Industries should become run under these roof of Space-based Defense Technologies ““ as the second pillar of an autonomous European Air-Defense-Infrastructure. And as a result of all these backgrounds a scapegoat has been necessary to become found as the one you is responsible especially for the death of the Israeli passenger, instead of German-French Airbus-Technology:
To avoid the growing of a negative opinion about the quality of these technologies within the Israeli public. In oder to keep the key-player Israeli-Aerospace-Industries inside the German-French “žDrone-Boat“.
But these German femal Justice Activist who just reveals her prename “žNadja“ to the public, has launched a series of activities to spread her alternative theory about the true cause of the above mentioned Germanwings-Airplane-Crash. And the author now will draw the picture of the most important petitions which she has filed even internationally, to become her theory verified by state-run investigations ““ outside of the influence of the German and the French Governments.
The Public Prosecutor in Düsseldorf opened an investigation ““ based on Nadja´s evidences
After Nadja has filed a criminal compaint on 27th January 2017 againt an unknown suspect to the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Düsseldorf revealing all her investigated evidences for a Technical Failure as the true cause of the relevant Airplane-Crash ““ these has opend an official proceeding of investigation: With a so called Js-File-Number ““ instead of just a so called AR-File-Number.
But these German femal Justice Activist who just reveals her prename “žNadja“ to the public, has launched a series of activities to spread her alternative theory about the true cause of the above mentioned Germanwings-Airplane-Crash. And the author now will draw the picture of the most important petitions which she has filed even internationally, to become her theory verified by state-run investigations ““ outside of the influence of the German and the French Governments.
The Public Prosecutor in Düsseldorf opened an investigation ““ based on Nadja´s evidences
After Nadja has filed a criminal compaint on 27th January 2017 againt an unknown suspect to the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Düsseldorf revealing all her investigated evidences for a Technical Failure as the true cause of the relevant Airplane-Crash ““ these has opend an official proceeding of investigation: With a so called Js-File-Number ““ instead of just a so called AR-File-Number.
And this difference has a deeper meaning showing a clear decission beyond of it in concern to the legal quality of these incident.
An AR-File-Number is given to all petitions which are filed to an Office of a Public Prosecutor in accordance to the practically rules of criminal investigating in whole Germany. All such petitions have to become researched in context to the question, if they contain informations which are defining a so called initial suspicion.
Such an initial suspician is necessary by Law to open the possibility to the Public Prosecutor´s Office to lauch officially investigation with his Office using all the legal powers of intervention, which the Act on Criminal Investigations offer to him: Like summonings for interrogations, searches and confiscations, obtaining of experts´reports and so on. And because of these legal effect with a very high impact upon the legal status of the concerned Petition, such an assumption of an initial suspect is handled very striktly by all Offices of Public Prosecutors.
An AR-File-Number is given to all petitions which are filed to an Office of a Public Prosecutor in accordance to the practically rules of criminal investigating in whole Germany. All such petitions have to become researched in context to the question, if they contain informations which are defining a so called initial suspicion.
Such an initial suspician is necessary by Law to open the possibility to the Public Prosecutor´s Office to lauch officially investigation with his Office using all the legal powers of intervention, which the Act on Criminal Investigations offer to him: Like summonings for interrogations, searches and confiscations, obtaining of experts´reports and so on. And because of these legal effect with a very high impact upon the legal status of the concerned Petition, such an assumption of an initial suspect is handled very striktly by all Offices of Public Prosecutors.
But if such a quality of suspicion is reached ““ the Public Prosecutor´s Office has the legal duty to pull through a deep and thoroughly investigation by using all his abilities.
Facing all these legally and practically facts known by all experts on Criminal Law it means in the case of Nadja´s Criminal Compaint, that the Public Prosecutor of Düsseldorf has taken the contents of her explaination in concern to a potentially Technical Failure as serious and relevant.
Otherwise a Js-File-Number never would have become assigned. But exactly this has happend. And these File-Number of an officially Criminal Investigation run from January to July 2017 against “žunknown suspects“ explicitly because of a suspect of “žNegligent Homicide“ has been assigned; designated as follows: Criminal-File-Number 10 UJs 37/17.
What has been the Result of these Criminal Investigation?
In June 2017 a Journalist of the German “žBild-Zeitung“ started to research about these Criminal Investigations and has contacted the General Public Prosecutor´s Office, just because of it´s existance. These Bild-Journalist has even been in contact with Nadja and a Lawyer whome she has engaged.
Facing all these legally and practically facts known by all experts on Criminal Law it means in the case of Nadja´s Criminal Compaint, that the Public Prosecutor of Düsseldorf has taken the contents of her explaination in concern to a potentially Technical Failure as serious and relevant.
Otherwise a Js-File-Number never would have become assigned. But exactly this has happend. And these File-Number of an officially Criminal Investigation run from January to July 2017 against “žunknown suspects“ explicitly because of a suspect of “žNegligent Homicide“ has been assigned; designated as follows: Criminal-File-Number 10 UJs 37/17.
What has been the Result of these Criminal Investigation?
In June 2017 a Journalist of the German “žBild-Zeitung“ started to research about these Criminal Investigations and has contacted the General Public Prosecutor´s Office, just because of it´s existance. These Bild-Journalist has even been in contact with Nadja and a Lawyer whome she has engaged.
Towards these Lawyer the mentioned Journalist of these newssource, beeing famouse for it´s loyality to Israeli interests, has even asked Nadja´s Lawyer about the possibility to gain the rights for an exclusively reporting about she, her investigations, her evidences and the running criminal investigations. And he has revealed for the purpose of negotiations on these topic his cell-phone-number to the involved Lawyer. But then has not been possible to become contacted over these contact-data ““ very suddenly. And stopped from one day to the other to respond on Emails.
When Nadja´s Lawyer has contacted him after several attempts of failed connectings with the help of a Public Phone with an unknown number: He said that the General Public Prosecutor´s Office will very soon cancel these investigations. And that all plans of a reporting about Nadja, her evidences and suspects as well, as about the existance of the present criminal investigations will not be possible any more. Despite he did not mention it openly, the listening Lawyer with a solid experience of practice has gained the impression, that this man has become ordered to be silent.
When Nadja´s Lawyer has contacted him after several attempts of failed connectings with the help of a Public Phone with an unknown number: He said that the General Public Prosecutor´s Office will very soon cancel these investigations. And that all plans of a reporting about Nadja, her evidences and suspects as well, as about the existance of the present criminal investigations will not be possible any more. Despite he did not mention it openly, the listening Lawyer with a solid experience of practice has gained the impression, that this man has become ordered to be silent.
And in deed only two weeks later the General Public Prosecutor of Düsseldorf has stopped these investigations as the highest level of the Criminal-Investigation-Apparatus there: In dispute to the still running activities of the lower-leveled Public Prosecutor´s Office.
The Judgement of the newly engaged Lawyer
The newly engaged Lawyer showed his astonishment in concern to these developments in concern of these Criminal Investigation proceeding as well as in concern to it´s handling where apparently highest level of Politics have interfered into the daily operating of the Criminal Investigation Apparatus. The femal Justice Activist Nadja has choosen these Lawyer with the help of publications released by him, showing his professional competence in concern to politically manipulated legal trails. These Lawyer has superviced criminal proceedings in concern to Islamic Terrorism, filed Law Suits against Entities of the German Domestic Intelligence Offices and operated as a consultant in the field of Defense and Geopolitic issues in addition.
The Judgement of the newly engaged Lawyer
The newly engaged Lawyer showed his astonishment in concern to these developments in concern of these Criminal Investigation proceeding as well as in concern to it´s handling where apparently highest level of Politics have interfered into the daily operating of the Criminal Investigation Apparatus. The femal Justice Activist Nadja has choosen these Lawyer with the help of publications released by him, showing his professional competence in concern to politically manipulated legal trails. These Lawyer has superviced criminal proceedings in concern to Islamic Terrorism, filed Law Suits against Entities of the German Domestic Intelligence Offices and operated as a consultant in the field of Defense and Geopolitic issues in addition.
Him Nadja has ordered to analyse what has happend and to sum up his opinion about it all. And these man who was familiar with the methodes of politically influencing of the Criminal Justic, the Mass-Media and who had a solid knowledge about the way, how Intelligence Services operate, or how the Defense Industry´s interests could have an impact upon Politics and the Justice-System, came to the conclusing: That the observed happening in concern to these Criminal Investigation proceeding in Düsseldorf indeed was and is feeding a suspect of manipulation. And he judged the concerns of the Airplane-Crash to the Airbus-Company, to Israel and the Defense-Projects based upon a German-French-Israel Defense-Industries-Cooperation, as a de facto rather sensitive background.
A new Attempt in Vienna ““ because of Austria´s Neutrality
Due to the before mentioned judgement of the situation, the said Lawyer was open to become engaged by Nadja as a consultant and an operator. And after he had tried to prevent the terminating of the Criminal Investigation proceeding by the General Public Prosecutor of Düsseldorf without a success, he was able to offer to Nadja another attempt:
A new Attempt in Vienna ““ because of Austria´s Neutrality
Due to the before mentioned judgement of the situation, the said Lawyer was open to become engaged by Nadja as a consultant and an operator. And after he had tried to prevent the terminating of the Criminal Investigation proceeding by the General Public Prosecutor of Düsseldorf without a success, he was able to offer to Nadja another attempt:
To become undertaken in Austria´s Capital Vienna ““ unsing a special legal construction for reasoning the Jurisdiction of the Criminal Justice System of Vienna, with the help of the rules of Internatioal Criminal Law. Over his contact-network these experienced Lawyer was able to get invited to a clandestine meeting in concern to reportings of War-Correspondence who operate within the present Syria-War, where an expert about the MH-17-Downing over the Territory of the Peoples Republic of Donezk has been summon as a speeker ““ too. And these Lawyer has been able to speak with these expert, who has served as a Pilot for decades by himself and is recognized within the crowd of international Aviation-experts, has revealed legally very interesting background ““ at these clandestine comming-together: He told to Nadja´s Lawyer that the crashed Airbus-320-Airplane of the Germanwings-Company has not been owned by these Airline headquatered on German soil. But just has been leased ““ as it is usually since many years in these business. The owner of the property of these Airplane has been a Leasing-Company located in Vienna in Austria.
This information has been worth Gold for the Lawyer who has been handling internationally cases frequently and was familiar with the phenomena of the so called Forum Shopping: What means the choosing of a specifically spot of Jusrisdiction in accordance to globally recognized rules. And one rule in this context is the so called Lex-Loci-Delicti-Commissi-Rule. In accordance to these rule, each geographically spot is defining a potentialspot of Jurisdiction, where an action with inpt on legal interests has been set. And a Property-Damage is such an impact upon the legal interst of the specific Property-Owern. In the case that these is a Company, it´s headquater is the legally relevant spot. And because of these chain of legal constructions the Criminal Investigation Apparatus of Austria´s Capitol Vienna has been one possible Forum ““ what menas a spot of Jurisdiction in accordance to the rules of International Criminal Law. As a result of these internationally responsibility the Criminal Law of Austria is the relevant one ““ in these specifically context. And these is knowing a very special Criminal Offense ““ which was exactly fitting to the case of the Germanwings-Crash:
It was Paragraf 177 of the Criminal Code of Austria:
These defines the creating of a great danger to the lives of a large number of people or to a third-party´s property of a considerable extent as a serious crime. And opens in these way even the responsibility of the highest level of the Criminal Investigation Apparatus directly ““ the Senior Public Prosecutor´s Office. And on these basement the Lawyer of Nadja filed a legally perfect Criminal Complaint refering upon all evidences of Nadja - as she has shown them before in Düsseldorf: Exactly to these Senior Public Prosecutor´s Office in Vienna. And herein he revealed the contents of these case to great Defense-Projects of NATO-States as well, as the suspect of a covering up of the truth - operated by the Politics of these NATO-States. Not at last these Lawyer emphasized his trust within the Criminal Justice of Austria in these context ““ refering on the Neutrality of Austria.
These defines the creating of a great danger to the lives of a large number of people or to a third-party´s property of a considerable extent as a serious crime. And opens in these way even the responsibility of the highest level of the Criminal Investigation Apparatus directly ““ the Senior Public Prosecutor´s Office. And on these basement the Lawyer of Nadja filed a legally perfect Criminal Complaint refering upon all evidences of Nadja - as she has shown them before in Düsseldorf: Exactly to these Senior Public Prosecutor´s Office in Vienna. And herein he revealed the contents of these case to great Defense-Projects of NATO-States as well, as the suspect of a covering up of the truth - operated by the Politics of these NATO-States. Not at last these Lawyer emphasized his trust within the Criminal Justice of Austria in these context ““ refering on the Neutrality of Austria.
Because of these critically political backgrounds and contexts the Lawyer has decided to get the Austrian Ministry of Justice and even the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed about these Criminal Complaint ““ with a Petition to the Ministries thereof. These steps has been gone by Nadja and her Lawyer on 4th April 2018.
The Failure of these second Attempt upon “žneutral“ Soil and an intimidated Witness
One week after the Senior Public Prosecutors Office in Vienna has received these Criminal Complaint, the General Secretary of it informed the Lawyer of Nadja about an opening of an officially Criminal Investigation: These decission has been ruled out there by a group of Public Prosecutors after these has researched, analysed and discussed about the contents and revealed evidences therein. And ““ as it has still been practiced in Düsseldorf in January 2017 ““ an officially Criminl-File-Number has become assigned. And these has been: 4 OStA 96/18p.
The Failure of these second Attempt upon “žneutral“ Soil and an intimidated Witness
One week after the Senior Public Prosecutors Office in Vienna has received these Criminal Complaint, the General Secretary of it informed the Lawyer of Nadja about an opening of an officially Criminal Investigation: These decission has been ruled out there by a group of Public Prosecutors after these has researched, analysed and discussed about the contents and revealed evidences therein. And ““ as it has still been practiced in Düsseldorf in January 2017 ““ an officially Criminl-File-Number has become assigned. And these has been: 4 OStA 96/18p.
But a few days later an unknown woman phoned Nadja´s Lawyer. She told to him that she belongs to the Justice Ministry of Austria and is dealing on these level with these mentioned Criminal Investigation proceeding. At the beginning of the chat these woman tried to refuse an internationally responsibility of the Justice-System in Vienna for these case and demanded an evidence for the relevant Leasing-Company to be located in Vienna. She asked the Lawyer of Nadja to reveal the concret name of these Company. The Lawyer put into prospect to reveal this name ““ after he has researched it by himselfe. But then started to argue with the Neutrality of Austria, which should make Austria a place where such Criminal Investigations will become with pleasure run against such NATO-States, like Germany and France. He showed possibilities for the Austrian Investigators to find out the name of the Leasing-Company by themselves ““ with the help of registers. As a result of these exchange of legal knowledge a wider discussion occured.
And on a rather high level of legal competence the femal representative of the Austrian Ministry of Justice and the Lawyer of Nadja talked round about an half houre together ““ while the atmosphere of the chat developed better and better. At it´s end the femal representative of the Austrian Ministry of Justice revealed to Nadjan´s Lawyer that it can just become decided together with the Austrian Foreign Ministry, if Austria will be able to overtake such a legal proceeding: A synchronization between the Austrian Ministry of Justice and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be necessary. Definitly. Without an agreement between these both Ministries the Justice by itself will not be able to run such a Criminal Investigation in these context. And these source told to the Lawyer of Nadja that during the week to come a Joint-Goup of experts out of these both Ministries will analyse, research, discuss and decide about these case: Then she will phone the Lawyer again to reveal the result of these meeting to him and his client Nadja.
But these promisse become broken. And when Nadja´s Lawyer tried to connect these woman who has phoned him, with the help of her number saved on his phone, there was no conneections possible any more. These number has been technically out of function. And the General Secretary of the Ministry of Justice has not even be able to verify the fact of the phone-call manged from there 10 days ago. These source judged even the saved number of the contact calling from there as been “žnever existing“. There was no way to identify the formerly calling woman or even the existance of her or the happening of the relevant phone-call. And further more the formerly Pilot and Aviation expert, who has revealed the fact of the Leasing-Company as the Airplane-Ower to be located in Vienna, suddenly indicated these description “žas pure phantasy“ which he has “žnerver told to anyone anywhere“. And even threatened with legal consequences, if the Lawyer of Nadja would only mention his name in such a context to anyone. Despite to tell to somebody that he would have been the source for such an assertion.
I these moment it became to be clear to the experienced Lawyer of Nadja, that in these case politically motivated and run covering up of something - is nothing but a truth.
Nadja´s Hope on a “žGreat Power“ to support the Defensless
After three years of battling for Justice in these case facing failures caused by politically manipulations of the Justice caused by the powerful influence of the leading European NATO-States Germany and France, Nadja calls for help ““ as for a chance to explain her theory about a Technical Failure as the true cause of the Germanwings-Crash on 24th March 2015within the French Alps to the internationally public. And to reveal her evidences for these alternative version to the Germany and French state-back “žofficially“ version to it in addition.
Nadja´s Hope on a “žGreat Power“ to support the Defensless
After three years of battling for Justice in these case facing failures caused by politically manipulations of the Justice caused by the powerful influence of the leading European NATO-States Germany and France, Nadja calls for help ““ as for a chance to explain her theory about a Technical Failure as the true cause of the Germanwings-Crash on 24th March 2015within the French Alps to the internationally public. And to reveal her evidences for these alternative version to the Germany and French state-back “žofficially“ version to it in addition.
Germanwings-crash Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz Technical Failure True Cause Human Failure To Cover Up Nadja Justice-activist Public Prosecutor Criminal Investigations Düsseldorf Vienna Officially File-numbers Initial Suspect Negligent Homicide
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