

Two Original Biographies

USPA NEWS - Two Books go through History and explore a different side of two famous personalities such as Marie-Antoinette, the last queen of France and becoming a symbol of the excesses of the monarchy and is often credited with the famous quote 'Let them eat cake,' although there is no evidence she...
Two Books go through History and explore a different side of two famous personalities such as MARIE-ANTOINETTE, the last queen of France and becoming a symbol of the excesses of the monarchy and is often credited with the famous quote 'Let them eat cake,' although there is no evidence she actually said it. As consort to Louis XVI, she was beheaded nine months after he was, on October 16, 1793, by order of the Revolutionary tribunal. And PONTIUS PILATE who was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26““36. He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of JESUS.
'MARIE-ANTOINETTE... racontée par ceux qui l'ont connue'' (Marie-Antoinette... told by the one who knew her) by Les Cahiers Rouges Collection (Grasset Editions). The book goes through the last Queen of France's life, where she is described by personalities who knew her in private. All of them giving a specific view on Marie-Antoinette's private and public life. The book is roughly divided into five chapters : A Queen's posture ; Marie-Antoinette in her intimacy ; the first Beauty Queen ; an intriguing Marie-Antoinette ; the captive Queen, fallen. (Review by Ruby BIRD)
'PONTIUS PILATE' written by Italian Historian Aldo SCHIAVONE (published by Fayard Editions). The author used to run the Ialian Institute of Humanities and is considered one of the biggest specialists on Roman Law. He is internationally renowned. Retracing the steps taking JESUS to his death and analysing the historical context of Ancient Judea, Aldo SCHIAVONE portrays the unforgettable Roman prefect called PONTIUS PILATE. The 'dual' between him and JESUS is carefully explored by the author.
Pontius Pilate's title was traditionally thought to have been procurator, since Tacitus speaks of him as such. However, an inscription on the limestone block known as the Pilate Stone that was discovered in 1961 in the ruins of an amphitheater at Caesarea Maritima refers to Pilate as 'Prefect of Judaea'. In all gospel accounts, Pontius Pilate is reluctant to condemn Jesus, but is eventually forced to give in when the crowd becomes unruly and the Jewish leaders remind him that Jesus' claim to be king is a challenge to Roman rule and to the Roman deification of Caesar.
According to the canonical Christian gospels, Pontius Pilate presided at the trial of Jesus and, despite stating that he personally found him not guilty of a crime meriting death, sentenced him to be crucified...

Plays and films dealing with life of Jesus Christ often include the character of Pontius Pilate due to the central role he played in the final days of Christ's life. Writers have found various reasons to make Pilate a main character and to fill in any unknown details of his life. Pilate has been portrayed in a number of different ways. (Review by Ruby BIRD)

Yasmina BEDDOU
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