
World Leaders Issue Proclamation Underlining Irreversible Momentum at COP22

Multibillion&million $ on climate action

Blue Zone COP22 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
HM King Mohammed VI
(Source: COP22)
USPA NEWS - COP 22, hosted by Morocco´s King Mohammed VI, saw almost 500 Heads of State or Government and Ministers attend. It also witnessed the first meeting of the Paris Agreement´s top governing body following early entry into force of the Paris Agreement on 4 November, with multiple concrete actions.
Canopy Walk COP22 By Tarik Oualalou
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
COP 22, hosted by Morocco´s King Mohammed VI, saw almost 500 Heads of State or Government and Ministers attend. It also witnessed the first meeting of the Paris Agreement´s top governing body following early entry into force of the Paris Agreement on 4 November. At the close Fiji was announced as the host of the 2017 UN climate conference, with Germany assisting the Pacific island nation by holding it in Bonn. Countries accelerated global climate action across a broad range of areas at the 2016 UN climate change conference as they fast-tracked the political and practical aims of the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement. Multi-billion and multi-million dollar packages of support for clean technologies; building capacity to report on climate action plans, and initiatives for boosting water and food security in developing countries were also among the many new announcements and initiatives launched. KEY OUTCOMES AND INITIATIVES AND RULE BOOK----------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are the Key Outcomes and Initiatives and Rule Book issued at COP22 further the Paris agreement signed o 12/12/2015 A crucial outcome of the Marrakesh climate conference was to move forward on writing the rule book, or operational manual, of the Paris Agreement. The agreement calls for a significant boost of transparency of action, including for measuring and accounting emissions reductions, the provision of climate finance, and technology development and transfer. It also includes work to design the adaptation communications, which is the primary vehicle under the Paris Agreement to share individual adaptation efforts and support needs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Countries pressed forward on this and set a fast track date of 2018 for completion. Countries have already built the foundation for this by peer assessing each other´s actions to cut emissions through a transparent process that began in 2014. Multilateral Assessment At COP 22, seven developing countries presented updates and opened themselves to examination by their peers on how they are moving to a low carbon economy. This fits into delivering a system for monitoring, verifying and reporting actions and opens the door to greater ambition under their climate action plans, called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVE FOR TRANSPARENCY IS A MULTILATERAL FUNDING ARM FOR TRANSPARENCY-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During COP 22, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), a multilateral funding arm, announced a Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency backed by 11 developed country donors providing $50 million-worth of funding. NDC PARTNERHSIP IS A COALITION OF DEVELOPING AND DEVELOPED COUNTRIES --------------------------------- Implementation of climate action plans also received a boost from the launch of the NDC Partnership ““ a coalition of developing and developed countries and international institutions working together to ensure countries receive the technical and financial support they need to speedily meet their climate and sustainable development goals.  Progress by Governments Governments made progress across key areas of climate action, including climate finance, adaptation, capacity building, technology and gender-responsiveness. This is an overview: CLIMATE FINANCE ( See also articles : “¢ Countries pledged more than $81 million to the Adaptation Fund, surpassing its target for the year. “¢ Countries pledged over $23 million to the Climate Technology Centre and Network, which supports developing countries with climate technology development and transfer. As the implementation arm of the Technology Mechanism, the CTCN is a key institution to enable nations realize their commitments under the Paris Agreement. “¢ The Green Climate Fund (GCF) announced the approval of the first two proposals for the formulation of National Adaptation Plans: Liberia for $2.2 million and Nepal for $2.9 million. Another 20 countries are expected to have their proposals approved soon with up to $3 million each. “¢ Overall, the GCF is on track to approve $2.5 billion worth of projects  ADAPTATION “¢ The Adaptation of African Agriculture initiative, which includes 27 participating countries, showcased how water, soil, climate risk management, funding of small farmers and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being addressed with an overall aim of advancing adaptation.
Salaheddine Mezouar and Akon COP22
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Driss Yazami Climate Local Leaders COP22
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Nicolas Hulot Interview COP22
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Indigenous Interview COP22
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Pool Press Room COP22
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Pool Canopy COP22
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

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